
A black eye for freedom of expression: San Francisco gallery owner Lori Haigh, in a group show of Berkeley artists, put Guy Colwell's painting Abuse in the front window. Within two days of its installation, the gallery window was egged, trash was dumped at the door, and hateful phone messages started pouring in. The painting features three American GIs amid a group of nude men wired up and hooded, Abu Ghraib style. Haigh eventually moved the painting to an interior wall, but continued to be harassed: one gallery visitor spat in her face, callers told her to leave the neighborhood "before you get hurt," and a man rang her doorbell and when Haigh emerged, he punched her in the face, giving her a black eye. She has since closed the gallery out of fear for her children's safety.

iPod, iRaq, iHop: Now The Onion offers another evolution of iPod, a "new 40 gigabite iHop breakfast platter" that "holds up to 10,000 pancakes."

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