
Signifier, signed: Jonathan Lethem

My side project Signifier, Signed -- in which I ask celebrities to sign not their own autograph but my name -- sputters along.

An addition, just unearthed in my umpteen boxes of mail-art, is a copy of Jonathan Lethem's early dystopic sci-fi novel Amnesia Moon. I met the author, who wrote better-known novels like Fortress of Solitude and Motherless Brooklyn, at a reading at the now-defunct St. Paul bookstore Ruminator. He gamely signed my name in his novel -- and refrained from calling me a dick -- before putting his own John Hancock on the first page of the Minneapolis Public Library's cellophane-covered first edition of Fortress of Solitude.

If anyone stumbles across that can you let me know so I can grab a snapshot? That'd be swell.

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